Submission Guidelines
Submissions to Common House are open from January 20th to March 16th 2025. Please ensure to review our submission guidelines before submitting.
How to submit:
We accept electronic submissions only. During submission periods, please submit your work using the Google Form found at the bottom of this page. We will not accept work submitted directly through email.
Please submit your piece(s) as a:
Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) for written work
PNG file for art and photography
MP3 file for audio
MP4 file for video
Name your document LastName_Title, and include all pieces of the same genre in a single document. Please refrain from including additional identifying information such as first name or bio in the document.
Our preferred format is 1.5 spaced, 12-pt font Times New Roman.
If your work does not fit into one of our five main genres—poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, visual art, or multimedia work—simply choose the genre you feel fits best.
What to submit:
Please submit:
1 work of prose up to 3000 words or 2–3 flash pieces up to 1000 words each
OR up to 5 poems
OR up to 5 works of art or photographs
OR audio and video submissions of up to 5 minutes
We are interested in original, previously unpublished pieces. Published pieces include those posted on personal blogs or social media.
We will consider excerpts from longer work, but we are unlikely to accept an excerpt that doesn’t work well on its own.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us by email ( if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
We recommend scrolling through a few of our previously published issues before submitting to know whether your piece is a good fit for us.
Who can submit:
We accept work from anyone, anywhere in the world.
​After submitting:
Our response time is 1–3 months. Feel free to inquire by email about the status of your submission after 3 months have passed.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to pay contributors. Common House is an entirely volunteer-run operation; as we continue to grow, we hope to be able to compensate contributors in the future.